Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Something In The Sky

This is in regards to something I saw on Thusday, October 12, 2006.

I live near Lake Michigan in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and it was late, probably between 10:15 pm and 11:45 pm. It was after the moon had risen above the treeline here. My mother and I were moving her terracotta and stone potted plants into the garage as we had just heard about the freeze warning for that night on the evening news, the first freeze of the season.

As we were using the dolly for some of the heavier plants - ie. the Jasmine trees and such, I looked up and one point and screamed "Oh My God!!! Did you see that!?!? That was amazing! OMG! OMG! That was sooooo cool!!!" and on and such. I believe I was jumping up and down in place I was so excited. lol

I saw, well, 'A Something'.

No, it was not a bird, nor plane, and sadly not Superman. ;)

It was 'A Something' like a meteor or a satellite possibly burning up in the atmosphere. Now, I am well aware of the current Orionid Meteor shower, however as that is supposed to be small and not very bright it doesn't make sense that it was part of that group.

It was in the shape of a comet - definitely had a long tail. In terms of length, I'm not sure how to put it, but to my naked eye, something up in the sky like that, easily had a span of 15-25 feet across the sky. (From above the top of my neighbors pine tree to apex of my house, and very very very far away!) And it was bright! And it seemed to be on fire - a reddish-orange-white color - like a flame in a fireplace, instead of the muted glow of buring green gasses. And it probably lasted about 2, possibly even 3 seconds. Unlike a "shooting star" which seems to last only about 1/10 of a second.

I would LOVE to know what it was! It's one of those things where you can see it in your mind's eye and wish you could take a picture of what's in your brain to show others.

I can't find anything on it though, and I KNOW I was not imagining it. Did anyone else happen to see it? Please let me know - Thank you!

--Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Blogger Caroline said...

Thank you Libby! It truly was spectacular! Wish you could have seen it. Thank you for taking the time to read about it though. Hope you remember to look up from time to time too. :)

11:17 PM  
Blogger Arabella said...

You should write books too!!

I remember your excitement - missed the cause of it due to...speed! :)

3:40 AM  

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